Legal & Content Removal is in full compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and international copyright laws. It is our policy to respond to any infringement notices and take appropriate actions under such intellectual property laws.
If your copyrighted material has been indexed by and you want this material removed, you must provide a written communication with exact reference to the content you claim ownership to.
You MUST provide the following info when requesting content to be removed:
1. A list of content you are requesting to be removed, including the url where the content can be accessed.
2. Sufficient contact information so that we may contact you (i.e street address, phone, fax and email).
3. Evidence that you own the copyright to said content or evidence that you are a representative of the person/company owning the content. will act on all removal requests within 48 hours. Please give us at least 48 hours though to process your request.
Please mail your requests to: support [at] vipfilefinder [dot] com with subject "Legal & Content Removal"
Note: responds to all removal requests. As long as you provide the information we have requested then we will remove requested content from the index in a timely manner. Bombarding us with legal waffle, threatening our ISP or attempting to have our domain name blocked will not expediate your request. It will simply increase the time we take to process your request.
If your copyrighted material has been indexed by and you want this material removed, you must provide a written communication with exact reference to the content you claim ownership to.
You MUST provide the following info when requesting content to be removed:
1. A list of content you are requesting to be removed, including the url where the content can be accessed.
2. Sufficient contact information so that we may contact you (i.e street address, phone, fax and email).
3. Evidence that you own the copyright to said content or evidence that you are a representative of the person/company owning the content. will act on all removal requests within 48 hours. Please give us at least 48 hours though to process your request.
Please mail your requests to: support [at] vipfilefinder [dot] com with subject "Legal & Content Removal"
Note: responds to all removal requests. As long as you provide the information we have requested then we will remove requested content from the index in a timely manner. Bombarding us with legal waffle, threatening our ISP or attempting to have our domain name blocked will not expediate your request. It will simply increase the time we take to process your request.

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